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Coming Back For More

It's been a minute since I've been in here! I've been busy having babies, moving across the country, and trying to adjust to life as a mom of three! So what's new?! SO MUCH! I signed up for Run the Year by Run The Edge, so 2,020 miles in 2020 however you can manage (walking, running, crawling). The math comes out to 505 miles a quarter, or 168 miles a month, which is roughly 39 miles a week...or if you really want to get into the nitty gritty - it's 5.5 miles a day. It'll be interesting if I get sick. Whew! It'll be quite the undertaking but I'm exciting to use the goal to propel myself forward this year! I also signed up for Taji 100 with Team RWB. The challenge is to complete 100 miles in the 28 days of February (well 29 days this year I guess)!  It shouldn't be too hard since I'm already tackling the miles for RTY2020. In addition to those two goals, I signed up to run the Fleet Feet Monte Sano 15K on January 11th. I debated signing...

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