My Journey

I started this site MANY years ago after training for my first half marathon. I thought it would be a great way to track my progress from a (very) occasional typical gym go-er, to eventual ultra runner and crossfitter, then mama - though I had no idea where that first race would lead me.

Sometime around the summer of 2010, my friend in Louisiana (also a non-runner) sent me a message asking if I would sign up for the Jazz Half Marathon with her. I thought she was insane. I didn't do cross country in high school, I didn't play any team sports, and I was pretty sure I couldn't run 2 miles without stopping.

I looked at the training plan the race offered for beginners, and it said the first run would be 1.5 miles. I told her that I would go to the gym that night and attempt the 1.5 mile run without stopping, and if I didn't die stop during it, then I would sign up for the race with her. It took every fiber in me to finish that run, but I completed it without walking and was on my way to my first race. After I crossed the finish line of the Jazz Half, I was elated with myself. It was a tough day, but we survived...and I was hooked.

I took a little time to recover, and decided that I wanted to try a full marathon one year later. Along the way I completed some other races, including my first trail race - the VHTRC Women's Half Marathon, where I fell in love with trail running.

Eventually I decided to sign up for a 50 mile race in DC and trained my little heart out. I hit some bumps in my training that I chose to ignore and push through. I completed my first 50K on a brutal mountain in NY, hurting myself in the process (only a month before my 50 mile debut) you can guess how the 50 miler went. Between the chewed up and spit out body I was working with, and the downpour of rain that happened the night before the race I pulled out a DNF...the sting still lingers.

I moved to Colorado from the DC metro area in 2012, and I joined (and then later left) crossfit to help develop and balance my muscles a little more before jumping back into running.

Since then I've gotten married, had three babies, and moved to sweet home Alabama! Now I am trying to find my way back to what made me me after 5 years of giving my body over to pregnancy & postpartum. Trying to get healthy, get back in shape, get a little endurance, and have some fun!


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