Getting in Shape

Getting back into shape is a S T R U G G L E! I get into a good groove, nice routine for a couple weeks and then BAM. Sickness sweeps over the house starting with one of the boys and always ending with me. Then I have to sit out for a week or longer and struggle to get back into it once I'm feeling better.

Does anyone have magical advice to help with this? I feel like it's a 2 steps forward, 5 steps back kind of thing. I'm trying to train myself to immediately get back into working out the second I feel better instead of becoming a lazy sloth and taking an extra week to convince myself to lace up.

Anyway, last month I posted that my goal is to become faster! I ran a one mile time trial on April 10 in 8:30!!! My fastest ever! I almost feel silly that I spent most of my runs in the 12:30 pace just because I was too complacent to push the pace. I HATE being back of the pack, but I wasn't exactly doing anything to change. Once I started the Crossfit Endurance workouts, my strength and speed increased.

Not long after that time trial, I got sick and sat out for a month. Today was my first day back to it and I ran 1.5 miles at 8:34 pace! Another first ever! I'm trying to build up my distance at 8:30 ish pace to try to make something in that range my new normal for 5k type distances! I'm on my way!

My lungs felt like they were ready to explode at the end, but I'm proud of myself. I'm going to try to keep adding the CFE workouts into my weeks and hopefully trim down the weight while I'm building strength, speed, and endurance!

I'll be completely transparent, because I think it's important for anyone else in the same position as me. I was a runner, turned crossfitter after getting hurt running (incorrectly), then got pregnant with my first, tried to get back into running, got pregnant with my second, and here we are now a little over a year after his birth. I'm juggling working full time, an almost three year old, a one year old, being a wife, and trying to get back in shape/get healthy!  Before pregnancy I weighed around 135 and now I weigh a lovely 160.

Now cross your fingers I can stay healthy long enough to get back into a good groove!


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